Now I have no control issues about my material, I just want it to be as entertaining as possible. In my eyes the apex of entertainment is only achieved when you have the merging of insight, wit, vulgarity, sexual innuendos and iconoclastic heckling.
Unfortunately my editor doesn't see it this way and that's ok. She has a core audience to worry about and can't run the risk of losing viewers in order to appease my reckless behavior. SO, like any people pleasing male, instead of breaking up with one to find another, I just went and made another and decided to sleep with both. My reasoning? Because I'm that awesome and everyone wants me.
So I'll still have my "respectable" gig which my editor will be working overtime in order to make it mass appeal friendly, and I'll have my dirty, slutty, wants to put things up my butt mistress where my sick and twisted tendencies are limited only by my imagination.
Her name is Slop Vulture. if you're nasty.
It's focus is on pop-culture happenings of the douchebag variety. If there's some idiot Celeb that gets on everyone's nerves, you can bet your last dollar I'll be giving some commentary on it. And not some drawn on penis in their face commentary such as Perez Hilton or even LOL blurbs found on such sites as What Would Tyler Durden Do.
This will be in depth articles updated weekly (if not daily) about people that for some reason or another have great fortune and fame yet still insist on being self absorbed, narcissistic fuck heads.
I hope you enjoy it and share it with your friends like a bong on April 20th or a sorority girl passed out at a frat house party*.
*Just kidding about that sorority girl, you never know what diseases they might have so don't have non-consensual sex with them. Unless you have a little pee-pee and can't last longer that a Nano-second. Even then it's still not acceptable but I can see why you'd only feel comfortable having sex with people that are completely unconscious. Performance impotence is a bitch, especially when you partake in homo-erotic sports play with your "bros"